Il Nuovo Testamento in lingua corrente

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  • Language: Italian
  • Author: TILC
  • Publisher: Elledici
  • ISBN: 9788801054910
  • Format: Paperback, 11 x 17,5 x 2,2 cm, 551p.
  • no BD

This translation differs from the others in that it attempts to render the Hebrew and Greek text with words and forms of the Italian language habitually used in interpersonal relationships: the current language.

It is a type of translation that tends to convey the meaning of the source text to new recipients with a non-formal, but semaqntical, dynamic or functional equivalence.

Remaining faithful to the original texts and respecting the characteristics of the language into which it is translated, this type of translation seeks to make the biblical texts more comprehensible to today's readers.

Protestants and Catholics collaborated as translators, consultants and proofreaders to produce this work. After four years of work, the New Testament (rev.1985) was published in 1976, then the entire Bible appeared in 1985.

The current edition presents the third revision of the New Testament (2001) and the revision of the Old Testament (2014). In the Tilc the Deuterocanonical books are placed in a section between the Old and New Testaments.

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