Naturheilverfahren Biblisch hinterfragt

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CHF 21.50


  • Language: German
  • Author: Patric Warthen
  • Publisher: Patric Warthen
  • ISBN: 9783000499364
  • Format: Paperback, 21 x 29,6 x 1 cm, 156p.
  • BD: 32

The book is intended to be a detailed guide through the jungle of alternative healing methods. Over 200 alternative healing and diagnostic methods are presented and evaluated from a biblical perspective. Esoteric and magical strains are dealt with in detail. The legal basis of healing is explained (who is allowed to treat sick people). The alternative therapist scene is also scrutinised and in part critically questioned. The worldview of esotericism is explained and critically evaluated with biblical arguments. Esotericism and other world views are contrasted with the biblical image of God and man. The basics of a Christian (natural) medicine are presented. Orthodox medicine is also discussed and evaluated from a biblical perspective. Furthermore, the question is answered why useless therapies can apparently still help and what spiritual dangers lurk in wellness treatments. All chapters are provided with many biblical passages and biblically substantiated in detail.

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