Survival Bibel

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CHF 7.00


  • Language: German
  • Author: Neues Leben
  • Publisher: Bible for the Nations
  • ISBN:  9783945779262
  • Format: Paperback, 9,7 x 14,7 x 2 cm, 639p.
  • BD: 32

In the various crises and life-threatening situations, it is easy to believe that there is no way out. One sees that the end is approaching. You might be fighting against the forces of nature, cold, water, storm and fire. In such a situation, you might not have the Survival Bible at hand. That's why it can be useful to read it beforehand.
What you read here - in the life stories, prayers or the New Testament, can be life-saving.

The Survival Bible contains life stories of people who have found themselves in very different life-threatening situations. The stories get "under the skin". They are honest, clear and strong. The core message is: When we get into life-threatening situations, we can call for help to the one who knows and loves us - Jesus Christ.
We can always rely on him. Many people have experienced something like this in most hopeless situations, which can be called "angel protection". It is good to know that even if it seems as if there is no way out, you can rely on the one who is the way, the truth and the life itself: Jesus Christ. Through him there is a way out even in the most impossible situations.

New Testament (Neues Leben) with testimonies