Die 5 Sprachen der Liebe für Singles

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  • Language: German
  • Author: Gary Chapman
  • Publisher: Francke
  • ISBN: 9783861227366
  • Format: Paperback, 13,5 x 20,5 x 1,5 cm, 176p.
  • BD: 32

The 5 love languages for singles

Nothing influences a person's well-being as much as the knowledge of being loved and the ability to give love. Whether you have been single for a short or long time, your spouse has died or you have been divorced - your soul is hungry for love and you will achieve the greatest satisfaction in your life where you give love.
Whether you prefer to give your relatives, friends, colleagues or flatmates
-Dedicate your time
-encourage them
-make life more beautiful with small tokens of appreciation
-help them by their side
-show your sympathy by simply giving them a hug ...
It pays off if you know your own strengths and know how to correctly assess the wishes of others. Because only if the love you give is properly received by the other person can it return to you many times over.