Die Frauen Bibel

BftN 176935000
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CHF 9.95


  • Language: German
  • Author: Neues Leben
  • Publisher: Bible for the Nations
  • ISBN: 9783948954352
  • Format: Paperback, 9,7x14,7x2,1 cm, 864p.
  • BD: 40

Powerful stories, honest confessions, true tales of struggles, tests of courage and victories!                                      

Alongside the entire New Testament, the Women's Bible is packed with remarkable, harrowing, but also fun-loving stories. It may be that the Women's Bible becomes the most important book of your life.

The Women's Bible is a kind of platform where many women share a part of their lives with the readers. The path through life sometimes leads through difficult times, often with a lot of struggle. Making decisions is not always easy.
Here women tell openly and honestly about their struggles, defeats, but also about their victories and their way to freedom.
The author of the middle section in the Women's Bible (the New Testament), God himself, has something to say to us humans! God's own Word is our best advisor in life. The Creator knows how life should be lived.

The Women's Bible can become a source of life for one's own life. The many stories give courage, hope and strength not to give up in one's own life, but to seek the path that leads to freedom and the one who is the way, the truth and the life himself - Jesus Christ.

New Testament (Neues Leben) with testimonies

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