Death of a Guru (Croatian)

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CHF 2.70


  • Language: Croatian
  • Author: Rabindranath R. Maharaj
  • Publisher: CLV
  • ISBN: 9783866991590
  • Format: Paperback, 11 x 18 x 1,8 cm, 237p.
  • BD: 32

Rabindranath R. Maharaj - descendant of a long line of Brahmin priests. As a young child he was trained in yoga and meditation and researched the Indian scriptures. He practised mysterious prayers, rites and worship of his many enigmatic gods for several hours a day. In the process, he entered transcendental states, came into contact with "spirits", saw the most delightful colours, heard mysterious music and was lifted away into other worlds. Rabi fulfilled the duty of astrology and thus attained the title of Hindu pandit. The people worshipped him as a god and laid their sacrifices at his feet.

Mounting disappointments and inner and outer struggles led the young guru to come to terms with his mystical knowledge and experiences. One senses the deep insight into Eastern religion in this gripping narrative. Rabi finds the true meaning for his life.

Moreover, this interesting book becomes a handy short encyclopaedia through an apt explanation of words (what does Brahman, Yoga, Guru, Karma, Krishna, Mantra, Maya etc. mean).

A book, exciting to the last page, which you will not want to put aside once you have started reading ...

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