Der Fremde auf dem Weg nach Emmaus

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CHF 13.50


  • Language: German
  • Author: John R. Cross
  • Publisher: Good Seed Publishers
  • ISBN: 9783961900442
  • Format: Paperback, 15 x 23 x 1,7 cm, 287p.
  • BD: 32

The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus gives a solid overview of the main message of the Bible. It ties together key Old and New Testament stories to reveal the identity of God and the nature of sin, all the time answering two questions: “Who is Jesus?” and “What is the story of the cross and the tomb all about?” It helps a person understand clearly the main message of Bible.

 “The Bible makes so much sense now!"

 This book is ideal for people who come from a Christianized background, whether Catholic, Protestant or Orthodox. It assumes readers have a concept of only one God who is a person, not a force.

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