La preghiera che opera miracoli

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CHF 6.90


  • Language: Italian
  • Author: Helga Anton
  • Publisher: Soli Deo Gloria
  • ISBN:
  • Format: Softcover, 14,0 x 21 x 0,7 cm, 119p.
  • BD: 32

Helga Anton studied music and it is music that comforts her after the death of her husband. Her profession as a violinist gives her life purpose and enables her to support herself.

One day, however, the pastor of her congregation in Itzehoe (Germany) asks her a question that will change her life: "Mrs Anton, would you be willing to take over the prayer service of our congregation full-time?"

Helga Anton felt called by the Lord and made herself available; from that day on, together with her co-workers, she became an active witness of God's healing and saving power.

"God answers our prayers in a wonderful way. He does not always do so immediately or as we would like. But he always works for our good."

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